Hi & welcome to yet another food story! 🍦
If you follow me on Instagram you'd know I post a lot, and I mean a loot of nice looking food. The food is 97% made by my or someone from the house, but i don't often share the recipes over here, mostly 'cause it's usually the same kind of food, or maybe just a flavor here and there is different and i see no point. But, since every time i posted some popsicles, whether it's on the Stories, or an actually IG post, i've get a lot of messages about a recipe.
As of today (fingers crossed that i'll actually publish this today), I've shared some gorgeous ocean-inspired-blue popsicles that I've made obviously to match my current aesthetics duuh lol
They were incredible easy to make, just as popsicles usually are. So, I've decided to finally do one blog post regarding them. All you need is a Popsicle mold. Now, the one i used for these for both from eBay & from a local Chinese boutique a long time ago. So i can't find the exact molds, but go to the following link (click me) and I'm sure you'll find something interesting. Also (click me) if you also want to buy the wooden sticks as well. If you ask me, I'm always amazed by eBay lol I always buy something i never thought i even needed. 👀😂
*not sponsred
Things you'll need:
about 2 tbsp Chia Seeds
about 1 cup (Coconut) Milk
1tbsp Vanilla Extract
Blue food color
Preparation: Simply blend it all together (except the color). If you want to get the artistic ombre feels, you have to take an extra minute or two to play with the colors after filling the molds with the mixture. Note that the color is obviously not even necessary. After you pour it all into your popsicle molds, you'll have to wait few hours until it's ready to be eaten. But, i usually prefer letting it sleep through the night. Especially 'cause of the chia seeds.
Serves about 8 popsicles.
If you'd like to read another Ice Cream recipe from last year, click here.
Bon Appetit,
Zdravo svima,
Ovaj post posvećen je sladoledima, jer #leto! ✌😋
S' obziorm da sam se gore na engleskom dosta nešto raspisao, ovde ću odmah već krenuti na recept i njegovu pripremu. Koja je svakako veoma laka.
Što se tiče opreme koja će vam biti potrebna, to su ovi kalupi za sladolede, i štapići, ukoliko ne želite koristiti štapiće dobijene uz kalup, ili ukoliko ih uz isti niste dobili.
Kalupe kao takve možete pronaći u većini kinesih radnji, kao i na eBay-u.
Sledeći linkovi vode vas do:
*Pretraga za razne kalupe (eBay)
*Štapići (eBay)
Potrebni sastojci
otp. 2 kašike Čia semena
opt. 1 šolja (kokosovog) mleka
1 kašika ekstrakta vanile
Plava boja
Priprema: Jednostavna kao i što izglda. Sve što je potrebno je da izblendirate sve sastojke (osim boje). Zatim izblendiranu masu stavljate u kalupe, i boju dodajete po želji. Naravno, možete boju odmah dodati i u blender ili dok miksujete, ali onda nećete dobiti ovaj ombre efekat. Zatim ostavite ih da se zalede nekoliko sati, ili pak ostavite preko noći da odstoji. Ja volim ostaviti tako zbog Čia semena.
Dobija se oko 8 popunjenih kalupa.
A, ako želite pogledati prošlogodišnji voćni recept za sladoled na kugle, pritisnite ovde.
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