Aug 10, 2018

Instagram Editing Apps / Instagram posts

Hi & welcome back!

This is a second post of the Instagram Editing Apps series. 

To read the first one, click here.

In the first post i've given you a detailed list of the apps I use to create fun & eye-catching Instagram Stories, and in this post obi I'll talk about the apps I'm using to enhance my Instagram posts, create a nice cohesive color vibes, and more. So let's begin!

oh p.s. as i mentioned in the first part of the post, it most definitely applies in here as well.
I always shoot in raw, and then do the first (or sometimes all) adaptions in Lightroom / Photoshop.
But, since this post is about apps only, I won't be talking any tips & tricks on those too, since it would take me hours. lol

Over here the gold medal of course goes to my favorite ever photo editing app which is the one & only VscoCam.

I think it's safe to say that there's not one single (creative field) person that haven't heard of it. BUT, in case you didn't - VscoCam offers an incredible spectrum of different tools you'll ever need to level up your photography game! From unique & often updated and fresh filters to the HSL, boarder options and much more! You can resize it, crop it, play with the white balance, make it vintage with the right amount of 'the grain' effect and so on! Sometime ago they introduced VSCO X Membership, which i'm a huge fan of giving you so much more options! With Vsco X, you can now also apply all those tools to videos as well! I know, having a great creative content has never been easier!

The app is available in both stores, it's free to use and as i previously mentioned offers Vsco X in-app purchase as well as some additional filter packs if you don't want the whole membership! The membership tho is only 19.99$ per year! Per year guys, don't be a fool and get your membership now! ;)

The Filters I'm mostly using at the moment are A4, A6 and from time to time KK1.

Here's an example of the way I edited the cover photo of this blog post!

- Download Links -

     Apple App Store           ☼              Google Play Store

Usually, after VscoCam, I'm already done & read to publish the photo, but sometimes lately i would do few enhances over in the Afterlight app.

It always depends on the photo and it's mood whether, what and how much adaptions it would take. But, some repeated steps are the dusty effects. I most often use the 6 & 11 since they add some kind of brightness and fade to the photo, and it gives me the mood i desire for the photo. But, after applying that, i most usually have to add some contrast to the photo as well. Again, depends if the dusty effects did the much de-shadowing on the photo. Also, lately i've been experimenting with the Clarity option as well, and of course i tend to add a bit of sharp on it.

EDIT: Apparently sometime recently they've deleted the Afterlight from the Apples App Store and added the Afterlight 2 as a change. I haven't yet downloaded that one, but i'm sure there are the same options, with some additional things as well. But, how the original Afterlight is still on the Google Play Store i decided to leave it on the list.

- Download links -

    Apple App Store            ☽              Google Play Store

One of my favorite new finds is most definitely the Tezza app.  You most probably heard of Tessa Barton. If not, you've most definitely seen her photos somewhere, but simply didn't know it was her ;) Anyway, she and her husband, who are GOALS by the way worked on this app for months and it turned out amazing! She also has Lightroom presets as well, but they've made this so it could be much easier for everyone to enjoy creating nice content!

Anyways, the app is free to download, with I believe two filters free to use, while to use others you'd have to get a subscription. Which honestly is nothing compared to what you get in return! It's only 1.99$ per month OR the better option 19.99$ PER YEAR. Just take the second one and you're in peace, trust me! lol

Unfortunately, it's still only available for IOS since they've alone been working on it as I said for months. If my memory serves me correctly, once on her stories Tessa said that if anyone would be kind enough to offer them some help with making an Android App, be sure to stalk her on Instagram and get in touch with her! ✌✨

- Download Link -

Next app is of course the Huji Cam. No, i haven't uploaded a singe photo with it's effect on, but trust me i'm killin it with my private collections 😜

Don't have too much to say about it. It's a simple one way app. It helps you get retro looking photos with a date in the angle and everything. I'm sure you've seen like everywhere by now, and if you're still wondering which app is it - well it's this one! lol

It's free to download and offers one time 0.99$ purchase to remove adds and add the option to import photos from the library. Since, originally you can only take a live moment through the app.

- Download Links -

     Apple App Store           ☼              Google Play Store

Next few apps are not photo editing apps, but more the video/cinemagraph apps

First one is VidLab.

This one I've first met with I believe last year. Anywho, I've only used it to cut & trip, add music AND most importantly add the snow effect! haha It has the most realistic one if you ask me! Besides that one effect, honestly haven't been interested too much in this one.

I'm not sure if it's on Google Play Store, i wasn't able to find it. If you do so, please contact me so i can update the post. In the meantime, I'm leaving a link to the IOS store below.
Free to download with in-app purchases. I think I've only purchased the removal of the watermark, which is 1.99$.

- Download Link -

Next one is KiraKira+

lol I KNOW! But, you can now adjust the amount of sparkles in the photo and it makes for a nice cinemagraph, or should I say Kirakiragraph! lol

Anyway,s for ya'll who don't know, this app finds all things shine and creates magical sparkles over it. I'm sure you've seen tones of 'grams with it! Even i have an actual post (not a story, a post! lol). Click here to check which one is it!

 - Download links -

               Apple App Store        ☽         Android APK Download

Next app for cool cinemagraphs is Werble.

It's an fun app i believe i found over Tiffany aka tifforelie on Instagram  Also, a wonderful soul you should definitely check out by the way! Anyways, the app has many cool animations and it has so much tools to play with! It may take you some time to get around it, but when you do, you'll see how cool things you can create.

So far i've been mostly using the Coffee effects, to add the smoke over the coffee cup creating a really cool vibe. There are also some latte art movements, and what not, so be sure to check it out if you're fan of these! It also has many weather animations, including the snow hehe I've also used Light and try to play with water animations, but still didn't master those lol If you downloaded be sure to play with 'Blend Style' and 'Blend Mode' options, since it can be quite a game changer! ;)

Again, unfortunately only available for IOS.
Free to download with the possibility of buying some additional effects.

p.s. they are working on creating on Android app as well! You can visit their website and sign up for a notification once the android app get's out!

- Download Link -

And the last one of these is Loopise.

Maybe my new favorite! I've only recently discovered it, and i'm love with how simple & easy it is to use! And it creates awesome cinemagprahs!

It doesn't offer too many options, it's really focused on creating a nice cinemapgrah and that's it. Which is exactly what love about it! lol It was completely free, until some time ago when i was shook to see i have to pay  3.99$ to remove the watermark haha but, you gotta do what you gotta do, right! 😆 Other then that it's free to download!

Here are two samples of what I've created with Loopsie. The editorial one was a client shot actually, and the train ride was my Carrie Bradshaw moment lol They might have lost on quality since i converted them into GIFs for this blogpost, but you'll get the impression of what it can do! :)

Oh, one small notice - the subtitles in here were not made in Loopsie! It was Photoshop! 

With this one, i didn't felt like using KiraKira to add sparkles haha Since the phone case i was working with had Swarowski crystals already on it, i've simply taken some artificial led light and made this with Loopsie! As always, all you need is imagination! ;)

- Download Links -

     Apple App Store           ☼              Google Play Store

Bonus apps! 


The app i actually use on daily basis, but is not exactly meant for editing the content, but more taking care of your feed's mood! lol What it offers, is basically to plan a cohesive and nice-looking feed. First of all, remember to toggle on the option 'Load Recent Posts' in the options settings. That way you'll see all current photos in the feed and from there just keep uploading or importing however you prefer the content you recently made to see when and how would it fit the feed. Yes, i understand how insane this sounds lol

Once you upload a photo you can also even use many tools like filters, and other usual settings like brightness, contrast, crop and so on just so you could see if it needs some alterations and which one so it would all look nice and complete! hehe

The app is free to download, but offers some in-app purchases like 'Unlimited Galleries'. But, if you ain't a page manager for lot of profiles, this won't be something you'll need anyways! ;)

- Download links -

    Apple App Store            ☽              Google Play Store

And the last app for the whole post is Prisma.

I've used this app a lot once it was originally released, but I was losing a lot on storage and had to delete it last year lol But, recently I've re-downloaded it, and been having some fun. It can be really cool. Sometimes I make some of these for my eyes only, but you can actually apply some of the funky filters on your photo, and put it on like 15-20% opacity and give it such a cool fairytale kind of mood (depends on what filter you use of course).

Prisma is definitely a unique perspective & quite playful! If you ever wondered what would you look like as a cartoon character or a timeless piece of a painting, then this is definitely an app you always needed and wasn't even aware of it! ;)

It's free to download, but offers in-app purchase subscription with 200+ additional filters and what not! Personally still haven't subscribed, but since the subscription offers HD, I'm still thinking about it.

- Download Links -

     Apple App Store           ☼              Google Play Store

✧ ✧ ✧

Phheeewww! That was one hell of a long post to write you guys!

But, i really hope it will be worth it and that you'll have all your questions answered!

if not, you know where to find me! 🙊

Thank you for reading,

Until next time,

xo, jv

* this post is NOT sponsored in any way


  1. Sjajan post! Hvala na deljenju svih ovih saveta <3

    1. Hej, hvala ti puno! Drago mi je da ti se svidelo! <3

  2. I loved the part you wrote about preview! I use it to...I upload so many images there that then I never post! hahaha


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