It's recipe time you guys! 😋 //
Vreme je za recept post ljudi! Recept na srpskom vas očekuje 'dole' nakon druge fotke. 😋
I saw this recipe on Pinterest tbh, and just had to try it out! It's really super easy, and quick to make. And it's delicious both hot & cool! It's vegetarian also! We've made Rose Tarts with cream cheese and apple. and cream cheese and peach. We thought we shouldn't microwave peach as long as we did with apples, but I think it was better if we did. You'll read more of it soon.
What you'll need:
Apple / Peach
Ø Half of Lemon
Ø 1 Cinnamon (about 5g)
Ø Vanilla Sugar
Ø Cream cheese
Ø Water
Ø (Muffin tin)
First things first. Preheat the oven at 190 ° celsius (375 °F).
Cut the apple/peach half and then into extra slim slices. They need to be as slimmer as possible so they could be easily folded afterwards.
Now, take a bowl for microwave, and mix slices of your fruits, along with half of lemon(juice) and a small glass of water (about few tbsp). Then microwave it for 3 minutes on 80 degrees.
Take your puff pastry on a lightly floured surface, and make as many stripes as you want/can. I made 4 with 1 sheet, that's why i used 2 sheets. Because these are going to be your tarts. Which means, I made 8 tarts with two sheets of puff pastry.
Now, put the cream cheese on each stripe (put it more on the left side of the pastry stripe), now coat with some Vanilla or Crystal sugar. Next, are your apples are peaches! Put the apple slices on the (left) edge of the strip the way that half of your apple is on the strip and half is in the air. And coat with the cinnamon. Of course, if you're peaches instead of apples, you don't really need cinnamon. Now, fold the right side of your pastry over the left side covering only half of the apple slices. After that, only left is to roll the puff pastry going now from the bottom, to the top and there you go! Now, you should already have beautiful looking rose.
Of course, now just put these Roses into the muffin tin, bake them for for about 40 min, and voila!
Scroll down for more photos.
Thank you for reading, wishing you a great weekend! XO
Zdravo ljudi! Evo me opet sa nekim receptom! Ovoga puta pravimo ove slatke male tartove, ili pitice u obliku ruža. Veoma je jednostavno, brzo se pravi, i najbolje od svega, možete ih jesti odmah dok su vruće ili hladne, ukus je neodoljiv! 😋 Mi smo ih pravili u kombinaciji jabuka, i breskva
Ono što će vam trebati:
Jabuka / Breskva
Ø Pola limuna
Ø 1 kesica cimeta
Ø Vanil šećer
Ø Lisnato testo
Ø Krem sir
Ø Voda
Ø (kalup za mafine)
Prvo i prvo, svakako pripremiti tj zagrejati pećnicu na 190 stepeni.
Prvi, zvanični korak je svakako uzeti jednu jabuku, odnosno breksvu (zavisi šta se odabrali)
preseći na pola. Isecite ih što tanje možete, jer će se kasnije savijati.
Zatim, uzmite i u posudu za mikrotalasnu stavite isečene komade jabuke, i dodajte jaaako malo
vode (otprilike pola manje čaše), i takođe iscedite sok polovine jednog limuna. Zatim sve to
stavite u mikrotalasnu na 3 minuta i 80 stepeni.
Sada, razvucite lisnato testo na ubrašnjenu površinu, i izrezati u trake. Ja sam napravio 4 trake od
1 'lista', i iz tog razloga sam koristio 2 'lista' testa, kako bih dobio 8 traki. U suštini jedna traka je
jedan tart, što znači, napravio sam 8 tartova od ove smese.
Sledeće, stavljate krem sir na svaku traku zasebno (stavite više sa leve nego s' desne strane), i
prekriti slojem vanil ili občinog kristal šećera. Zatim, jabuke (ili breksve)! Stavite parčiće kriške
jabuke na (levom) uglu test, na način da vam je pola parčeta jabuke na testu, a pola u, pa ... u
vazduhu. Prekriti cimetom. Naravno, ako koristite breskve, cimet vam i nije neophodan.
Sada, preklopite desnu polovinu testa preko leve, prekrivajući samo polovinu kriške jabuke. I
poslednje što ćete uradite je svakako da urolate testo, od gore na dole, odnosno urolati jedan kraj
s' drugim. Već sada trebalo bi da vam se oformila prelepa ruža.
Poslednji korak je svakako staviti ove ruže u kalup za pečenje mafina, i peći otprilike 40 minuta
na temperaturi od 190 stepeni.
To je to za ovaj post. Nadam da će vam uspešno rezultovati!
Veliki pozdrav, i vidimo se uskoro.
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