Mar 20, 2017

Yuga, my Yuga ( Gastarbeiter stories ) / Jugo, moja Jugo (gastarbajterske priče) ☆

#eng Hello everyone! Happy first day of spring two thousand seventeen! 🎕 
Yeah, it's been a while since my last post. I know. Anyways, I'll leave chit chatting about what me in another post. In this one, I'll be taking you to a Museum Exhibition called Gastarbeiter Stories in Museum of Yugoslav History

#srb Ćao svima! Prvo i prvo, srećan vam svima početak proleća dve hiljade sedamnaest! 🎕
Pretpostavljam da je prošlo dugo vremena od poslednjeg posta, ali o tome šta se kod mene izdešavalo u međuvremenu, ostaviću za neki drugi post (a, i nije kao da ste mnogo propustili 😜). U ovom postu, vodim vas na izložbu pod nazivom "Gastarbajterske priče", koju možete posetiti do 29.Maja 2017, u Muzeju Istorije Jugoslavije


#eng Every weekend Museum of Yugoslav History offers to visitors free guided tour of museum complex on English at 11 am and 12 am. In addition to free tours on weekends, there is a possibility of organizing tours for an extra charge of RSD 2000 with the announcement of five days in advance to

The Museum of Yugoslav History (Muzej istorije Jugoslavije - MIJ) was founded in 1996 as a successor to the Memorial Centre “Josip Broz Tito” and the Museum of the Revolution of Yugoslav Nations and Ethnic Minorities. It has a collection of more than 200 000 items that illustrate Yugoslav history throughout 20th century, with the special accent on life and work of Josip Broz Tito. In this museum there are 3 permanent installations: The May 25 Museum, The House of Flowers & The Old Museum. If you wish to read more about Museum itself, click HERE

#srb Svakog vikenda u Muzeju istorije Jugoslavije u okviru dodatnog programa, uz plaćenu ulaznicu, posetioci mogu dobiti besplatno stručno vođenje kroz kompleks u terminima od 11.00 i 12.00 časova na engleskom, kao i od 11.30 i 12.30 časova na srpskom jeziku.Pored besplatnih tura vikendom, postoji mogućnost organizacije ture uz doplatu od 2000 dinara uz najavu pet dana unapred na  

Muzej istorije Jugoslavije osnovan je 1996. godine spajanjem Memorijalnog centra Josip Broz Tito i Muzeja revolucije naroda i narodnosti Jugoslavije. Naš fond obuhvata preko 75.000 eksponata koji ilustruju jugoslovensku istoriju tokom 20. veka, sa posebnim akcentom na život i delo Josipa Broza Tita. U sastavu Muzeja istorije Jugoslavije su objekti: Muzej 25. maj, Stari muzej i Kuća cveća. A, ako želite da pročitate nešto o više o Muzeju, kliknite OVDE













#eng The exhibition Yuga, my Yuga – Gastarbeiter stories, about Yugoslav temporary workers in Germany and Austria, is opened in the Museum of Yugoslav History on December 15, 2016. It is a part of a broader research project connected to two important dates: 50 years since the signing of the Agreement about hiring the workforce with Austria in 1966, and Germany in 1968.

For the first time in the domestic museum practice, the exhibition Yuga, my Yuga - Gastarbeiter stories is dealing with this topic in an effort to highlight the segment of more or less negated history of those people who have been stereotyped and whose role in the cultural and economic development of Yugoslavia was disputed. The museum interpretation was preceded by field and archival research, and numerous temporary workers in Austria and Germany facilitated the understanding of the complexity of the phenomenon by sharing their memories and their own significant items. 

The exhibition is consisted of three main parts: Traces, People, and Self-historicization.

  •  The part Traces groups together historical evidence – documents and objects which were forgotten, neglected, assessed as unimportant, and then rediscovered among historical and media archives, as well as in flea-markets.
  •  In the segment People, Gastarbeiter stories have the outlines of a modern (anti)fairy tale in which many got their chance of a happy ending, but not without sacrifice and permanent scars. Through personal belongings and memories a Gastarbeiter life is shown torn between deep extremes of sadness and prosperity, great deprivation and success, highlighting the context in which, as never before in history, a worker could afford to live in his or her own mansion.
  •  The whole Self-historicization is made of fragments of past exhibitions once organized by enthusiasts who carefully collected and exhibited documentation on the organization of social life and Yugoslav workers' clubs, thus preserving their experience and laying the foundations of modern museum interpretation. 
#srb Izložba Jugo, moja Jugo – gastarbajterske priče, o jugoslovenskim radnicima na privremenom radu u Austriji i Nemačkoj, otvorena je u Muzeju istorije Jugoslavije 15. decembra 2016. godine. Izložba je deo šireg istraživačkog projekta koji je povezan sa dva značajna datuma: 50 godina od potpisivanja Sporazuma o angažovanju radne snage sa Austrijom 1966. i sa Nemačkom 1968. godine.

Po prvi put u domaćoj muzejskoj praksi, izložba Jugo, moja Jugo – gastarbajterske priče  obrađuje ovu temu u želji da osvetli segment manje-više negirane istorije ljudi, koji su sterotipizirani i kojima je osporavana uloga u kulturnom i privrednom razvoju Jugoslavije. Muzejskoj interpretaciji prethodila su terenska i arhivska istraživanja, a razumevanju kompleksnosti fenomena pomogli su brojni radnici na privremenom radu u Austriji i Nemačkoj deleći svoja sećanja i njima značajne predmete. 

Izložba se sastoji od tri glavne celine: Tragovi, Ljudi i Samoistorizacija.

  • U celini Tragovi grupisani su istorijski tragovi – dokumenti i predmeti koji su bili zaboravljeni, zanemareni, procenjeni kao nevažni, a koji su pronađeni u istorijskim i medijskim arhivima, ali i na buvljim pijacama.
  • Gastarbajterske priče u segmentu Ljudi imaju obrise moderne (anti)bajke u kojoj se mnogima pružila prilika za srećnim krajem, ali ne bez žrtve i trajnih ožiljaka. Kroz lične predmete i sećanja prikazan je gastabajterski život razapet između dubokih krajnosti, tuge i blagostanja, velike uskraćenosti naspram uspeha, naglašavajući kontekst u kojem je, kao nikada ranije u istoriji, jedan radnik mogao sebi da priušti život u sopstvenom dvorcu.
  •  Celinu Samoistorizacija čine fragmenti gotovih izložbi nekada organizovanih od strane entuzijasta koji su pažljivo prikupljali i izlagali dokumentaciju o organizaciji društvenog života i jugoslovenskim klubovima radnika van zemlje, čime su sačuvali svoja iskustva i postavili temelje moderne muzejske interpretacije.





These three photos show one typical gastarbeiters room at that time  / Ove tri fotke pokazuju jednu tipičnu sobu gastarbajtera u to vreme 




And last, but not least, here is a google map location with where the Museum is located / I na kraju možete pogledati na Gugl mapi gde se sam muzej nalazi 

 That's it folks! Hope if you're in Belgrade,  you'll decide to pay a visit yourself. Otherwise, I'm gald to have been your buddy during this 'small' review. Thank for reading, and see you on 'gram. 📸😉
To bi bilo sve ljudi! Nadam se da ako ste u Beogradu, i imate viška slobodnog vremena, odlučite da posetite ovaj zaista kvalitetan muzej. U svakom slučaj, drago mi je da sam vam preneo delić onoga što možete videti. Hvala na čitanju, i družimo se na 'gramu. 📸😉

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